Sundial or Compass Pose
Caution: This posture is not for all bodies. Warm up thoroughly with other hip openers such as pigeon, various lunges, and/or splits.
Lengthens the backs of your hamstrings and calves
Supports and opens the hips
Stretches the intercostals and shoulder
Let's Do this Pose
Make sure hips are adequately opened before trying this posture.
Select the YogaSphere™ that works with your flexibility.
Begin in a Staff pose, or Dandasana.
Keep both feet flexed through the whole pose.
Bend your right leg.
Thread your right arm through the crease of your right leg. Rock your leg (much like you'd rock a baby) to ensure the hip is loose and open.
With your right hand firmly connected to the ground, draw your right leg up your right arm until it’s just under the shoulder socket.
Press your right triceps and right abductors into each other.
With your YogaSphere™ in your left hand, sweep your left arm out beside you and reach over your head to loop your right foot. Straighted the leg.
Look up to the left if it’s accessible.
Breathe into the posture.
To release let go of the clasp and slowly bend your right leg.
Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana
par-ee-vrt-tah SOOR-yuh yan-TRAS-ana